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The Mark of the Beast and the Sunday Law

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Hello everyone, before we begin I would like to ask a few favors of you. First, before we begin I suggest you read the previous articles from the Sabbath Truth series, they will lay a groundwork upon which this article stands, otherwise you may wonder when I make references what I am referring to.   You […]


Does the sabbath really matter?

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Whats the big deal anyways? God doesn’t care which day I keep as long as I keep it to Him, does He? I submit to you that it does matter, it matters a great deal and the Bible says so. I also submit to you that the test at the end of time will be […]


Let no man therefore judge you in your sabbath days

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In our previous article Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday? we discussed what the bible really has to say about the sabbath, the history of the sabbath and a few of the popular arguments sunday-keepers give and what the bible has to say about those arguments. In this article I would like to look at some popular […]


The Sabbath, Saturday or Sunday?

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It is very interesting to me how many people do not realize the  Sabbath was instituted at Creation by our Lord Jesus as the Seventh day of the week. It is also very interesting the arguments used against the Sabbath.  Here are a few of them: “The Sabbath was done away with at the cross, […]

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