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Do you have bible questions you need answered, looking for a church which follows the bible or would like to start bible studies? Let us know, we will do whatever we can to guide you through this process.

  • If you have gone through bible studies and would like to find a church to fellowship with, we may be able to help you. Drop us a line detailing your address and phone number, we will help you get in touch with a bible-based church.
  • If your struggling on a certain subject, are having personal problems or just would like prayer, let us know. The bible says “ye have not because yet ask not” – Even if your problems are personal, let us know your name and we will uplift it in prayer to our gracious heavenly Father who knows all things.
  • Do you want to know the truth according to the Bible about a certain subject? Are you sick of tradition and want to know what the Bible really says? Drop us a line, ask your question and we will do our best to answer it asap.

This not just another site promoting a religion, this is a site dedicated to proclaiming God’s word, we want to follow the Bible solely and not man-made traditions. Do you want to join us in our resolution?

    You can email us at the following addresses or use the form below for convenience:



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